Hello guys. I'm making a new tactical dungeon crawler roguelike game, called Rogue and Defiance.

It's still WIP, but the current beta version can be played here on Newgrounds, or downloaded from Google Drive here.
In case the game has a low frame rate (below 40), you may want to consider using a different browser or play the download version. From what I've seen, Edge seems to work well most consistently across different PCs, while Chrome may lag on some PCs. The FPS is shown on the top-right as a white number, and is ideally 60~120.
The game is a dungeon crawler roguelike with battles that play out like tactics games like Final Fantasy Tactics (move and use skill in the same turn), and you get to choose how your character grows. The character only lasts for one dungeon run whether you win or lose - making each dungeon a puzzle in how you grow the character to fit it, and in how you handle the unique enemies.
The full game will have at least 1 more dungeon, and possibly more playable characters and unlockables, and record-keeping of what dungeons you've beaten with what character, and on what highest difficulty.
Feel free to tell me what you think of it so far.